It is now just a little under 24 hours since filming wrapped up on The Silent City. With a number of the other cast members popping up to join in the final moments, it was a rather large and noisy crowd occupying the better half of an alleyway in the city, toasting to our future success and a job well done.
Now, like a Doctor Who or Sherlock fan, we wait while the editorial and production techno-wiz's put the various bits of film together to complete the project. I have had a lot of fun doing this and have learnt much as well. More importantly, I have made some great new friends, made some very useful contacts, and been introduced to the future of film in Perth. Things are changing in our little town and I think this is the right time to have stepped up.
I don't believe I could have picked a better project to work on either. Professionalism, talent, dedication and a strong belief in what we were doing made this a particularly wonderful experience all around. There has been several theatre shows that I have directed that have developed a small "family" of sorts. Well, a family is clearly what has been formed with the Silent City cast and crew. Well done all and it has been such an incredible pleasure.
It is very easy to be biased about a project you are personally involved in, and I have had the opportunity to stand on both sides of the set as I doubled up taking photography between takes. With this double perspective, I really do believe that we collectively have created something rather special.
Thank you to Matt, our director, for giving me the chance to be a part of this story. Thanks to everyone for being so incredible, supportive and inspirational. Some memories fade with time. Others last a lifetime. Have a guess which one this will be...
Now, like a Doctor Who or Sherlock fan, we wait while the editorial and production techno-wiz's put the various bits of film together to complete the project. I have had a lot of fun doing this and have learnt much as well. More importantly, I have made some great new friends, made some very useful contacts, and been introduced to the future of film in Perth. Things are changing in our little town and I think this is the right time to have stepped up.
I don't believe I could have picked a better project to work on either. Professionalism, talent, dedication and a strong belief in what we were doing made this a particularly wonderful experience all around. There has been several theatre shows that I have directed that have developed a small "family" of sorts. Well, a family is clearly what has been formed with the Silent City cast and crew. Well done all and it has been such an incredible pleasure.
It is very easy to be biased about a project you are personally involved in, and I have had the opportunity to stand on both sides of the set as I doubled up taking photography between takes. With this double perspective, I really do believe that we collectively have created something rather special.
Thank you to Matt, our director, for giving me the chance to be a part of this story. Thanks to everyone for being so incredible, supportive and inspirational. Some memories fade with time. Others last a lifetime. Have a guess which one this will be...