Saturday was a long day, and a little longer than expected, but all round an enjoyable one. Much of it was spent watching these two young lads (shown left) running through a loosely structured fight sequence, which then required certain adjustments for various shots. I was itching to exercise my own martial arts and join, and did stick my nose in a little (hopefully not too much.) During breaks, we swapped a few stories back and forth. Great work guys.
This week should be interesting. This Wednesday, they are to release a short teaser for the film at the Perth Film Network meeting. I actually haven't seen any footage as yet, just a few screen grabs, some of which I have tinkered with to create a collection of Facebook Cover Profiles for the cast members. It will be good to see some of it in motion. I believe it will also be made available through the official web site later in the week. More on that later.
After the network meeting, I have a further two nights of filming on both Thursday and Friday. I am particularly looking forward to Thursday as I get yet another chance to really play with the psychopathic side of Jack a little more. We may get to see some of the madness that drives him.
Friday is a simple scene which basically is a catch up from previous filming. Then I think I have only two more scenes to shoot. With filming scheduled to be finished by the end of this month, the crew are really cramming in what they can. Hats of to the crew in general and our DOP Ross. He has certainly been putting in some long hours.
As an actor, I only have a few scenes to worry about. The crew have every scene, then editing, and all the other steps that I have no idea about. In truth, the role of an actor is a very small one.
This week should be interesting. This Wednesday, they are to release a short teaser for the film at the Perth Film Network meeting. I actually haven't seen any footage as yet, just a few screen grabs, some of which I have tinkered with to create a collection of Facebook Cover Profiles for the cast members. It will be good to see some of it in motion. I believe it will also be made available through the official web site later in the week. More on that later.
After the network meeting, I have a further two nights of filming on both Thursday and Friday. I am particularly looking forward to Thursday as I get yet another chance to really play with the psychopathic side of Jack a little more. We may get to see some of the madness that drives him.
Friday is a simple scene which basically is a catch up from previous filming. Then I think I have only two more scenes to shoot. With filming scheduled to be finished by the end of this month, the crew are really cramming in what they can. Hats of to the crew in general and our DOP Ross. He has certainly been putting in some long hours.
As an actor, I only have a few scenes to worry about. The crew have every scene, then editing, and all the other steps that I have no idea about. In truth, the role of an actor is a very small one.